Professor Trudie Chalder
CBT for Persistent Physical Symptoms
One day workshop 'on demand' 6 hours CPD £80.00
Trudie Chalder PhD
Professor of Cognitive Behaviour Therapy
Department of Psychological Medicine
Kings College
University of London.
Trudie is the first Professor of CBT in the UK and President of BABCP 2012-2014

CBT for persistent physical symptoms
Professor Trudie Chalder
One Day Workshop, 6 hours CPD £80.00
Cognitive behaviour therapy for persistent physical symptoms: what to do and how it works?
Professor Trudie Chalder
Overlapping, common, persistent physical symptoms, not associated with significant pathology, are associated with profound distress, sleep disturbance and disability. Patients with these symptoms attract a range of different labels including irritable bowel syndrome, , chronic fatigue, cough hypersensitivity, fibromyalgia, and dissociative seizures. Around 50% of patients in secondary care have symptoms such as these. Evidence has accumulated for the efficacy of cognitive behaviour therapy. Some studies focus on one syndrome such as irritable bowel syndrome while others take a transdiagnostic approach.
The aim of the workshop is to,
(1) describe specific and transdiagnostic models and treatment approaches for persistent physical symptoms, and
(2) describe evidence of efficacy and mechanisms of change.
This workshop will be useful for qualified cognitive behaviour therapists and clinical psychologists working in primary or secondary care, occupational therapists, psychiatrists, and primary care physicians.
In this workshop you will develop an understanding of why physical symptoms persist within a cognitive behavioural framework, the extent to which they can be changed and how they can be changed. Building on your existing skills you will expand your repertoire of skills and techniques that will translate into effective change for your clients and patients. A range of self-report scales will be described as well as self help materials for patients.
Chalder T, Willis C. ‘Lumping’ and ‘splitting’ medically unexplained symptoms: is there a role for a transdiagnostic approach? J Ment Health. 2017 Jun;26(3):187–191.
Chalder T, Patel M, Hotopf M, Moss-Morris R, Ashworth M, Watts K, David AS, McCrone P, Husain M, Garrood T, James K, Landau S. Efficacy of therapist delivered transdiagnostic CBT for patients with persistent physical symptoms in secondary care: a randomised control trial. Psychol Med. 2021 May 31. [Epub]
Husain M, Chalder T. Medically unexplained symptoms: assessment and management. Clin Med (Lond). 2021 Jan;21(1):13-18.
Windgassen S, Moss-Morris R, Goldsmith K, Chilcot J, Sibelli A, Chalder T. The journey between brain and gut: a systematic review of psychological mechanisms of treatment effect in irritable bowel syndrome. Br J Health Psychol. 2017 Nov;22(4):701–736.