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Professor Eni Becker

Exposure for Generalised Anxiety Disorder

On Demand £80.00 - 6 hours CPD

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Exposure for Generalised Anxiety Disorder

One day workshop (6 hours CPD) £80.00

This CBT workshop focuses on the use of in-sensu and in-vivo exposure in the treatment of Generalized Anxiety Disorder. At the centre of the intervention are the excessive worries patients with GAD suffer from. Worrying seems to be a special way of experiential avoidance. Patients with GAD suffer from a strong intolerance of intense emotions,  eliciting the worry process to down regulate them. Worry exposure is targeting those feared emotions.


In this CBT workshop, background will be given on GAD and its diagnosis, as well as a more in-depth look at the worry process. Furthermore, details will be given on how patients can be motivated to participate in exposure treatment, and how the exposure is conducted. Exposure in-vivo is accompanying in-sensu exposure interventions in GAD. Here some options will be demonstrated to target the worries directly, in addition to overcoming safety behaviours. Possible exercises will be discussed and exposure plans will be designed. Exposure treatment can be a very effective way to treat GAD, if the specific characteristics of GAD are taken into account.

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About Professor Eni Becker

Eni S. Becker is the chair of Clinical Psychology at the Radboud University Nijmegen. Her research interest are cognitive processes and their role in psychopathology, mostly in anxiety and affective disorders. The last years she has concentrated on how we can influence those processes to benefit patients. She also is a trained Psychotherapist and has specialized in the treatment of GAD.

Recent publications


JK Breteler, N Ikani, ES Becker, J Spijker, G Hendriks (2021)

Comorbid Depression and Treatment of Anxiety Disorders, OCD, and PTSD: Diagnosis versus Severity

Journal of Affective Disorders


JE Appel, JN Vrijsen, I Marchetti, ES Becker, RM Collard, ...(2021)

The Role of Perseverative Cognition for Both Mental and Somatic Disorders in a Naturalistic Psychiatric Patient Sample.

Psychosomatic Medicine


M Cladder-Micus, JN Vrijsen, L de Putter, R De Raedt, J Spijker, ...(2021)

A multi-method assessment of attentional processes in chronic, treatment-resistant depression

Journal of psychiatric research 140, 68-76


ES Becker, MA Vanderhasselt, EHW Koster, JN Vrijsen (2021)

“Memories Warm You Up from the Inside. But They also Tear You Apart”: Editorial for the Special Issue on Memory Training for Emotional Disorders

Cognitive Therapy and Research, 1-7

EHW Koster, JN Vrijsen, E Becker, MA Vanderhasselt (2021)

Emotional memory: Concluding remarks to the special issue on memory training for emotional disorders

Cognitive Therapy and Research, 1-4

E Salemink, M Rinck, E Becker, RW Wiers, J Lindenmeyer (2021)

Does comorbid anxiety or depression moderate effects of approach bias modification in the treatment of alcohol use disorders?

Psychology of Addictive Behaviors

LA Henricks, JL Pouwels, TAM Lansu, WG Lange, ES Becker, AM Klein (2021)Prospective associations between social status and social anxiety in early adolescence British Journal of Developmental Psychology

GRA Ferrari, MA Vanderhasselt, M Rinck, I Demeyer, R De Raedt, ...(2021)

A cognitive control training as add-on treatment to usual care for depressed inpatients

Cognitive Therapy and Research, 1-15

Comorbid depression and treatment of anxiety disorders, OCD, and PTSD: Diagnosis versus severity

J Klein Breteler, N Ikani, ES Becker, J Spijker, GJ Hendriks


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